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Delight in Curiosity

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The Nurtured Mommy

By: Denise E. Bailey   |   January 9, 2024

The other day I was explaining to our oldest daughter that once this current lesson in life is learned…there will be another. Something in me deeply wants to prepare them for understanding that there is no destination without challenges. Challenges bring growth. If we are looking for the moment when we’ve figured “it” all out, well then…we will live a lifetime filled with frustration. And as mamas, it is our job to teach our children how to face these challenges head on (while still loving themselves). 

So what is the real secret to happiness, fulfillment, and peace? I know for sure what it isn’t. It isn’t the perfect house, nicest car, fanciest clothes, private school education, or career, etc… I have witnessed far too many people who have it all and still seem miserable (sorry but it’s true). Within each of those milestones there is another lesson waiting to reveal itself. My favorite people in this world have a tremendous amount of grit, gratitude, and presence. It doesn’t matter what their socio-economic status may be. They all know how to enjoy the simple parts of life and they meet challenges with curiosity.

My parents did an amazing job of working hard to fulfill their dreams and they delighted in the little things. They were married for 50 years before my dad passed. The fruits of his labor will forever be felt by many future generations, but I don’t think he ever took a moment to relish in all that he had done. There was a continuous void that my father tried to fill. He never truly felt “enough”. His adaptive child was trying its best to get his father to see him, even as an adult. Perfection was strived for in every aspect of his life and when he failed, his heart couldn’t repair and forgive himself. He didn’t know how to accept his mistakes as part of the human experience. Unconditional love wasn’t modeled for him and so he didn’t know how to give it to himself. He did an amazing job modeling it towards me though which speaks volumes about his grit.

This year I invite you to decide what matters most to you by choosing one word to focus on. I started this tradition for myself back in 2006 and it truly has reminded me of the power of our thoughts and focus. Change, kindness, mindfulness, grace, and force are some of the focuses I have chosen through the last 18 years. Try and take 10 minutes or so in the early morning before the house becomes busy for yourself (if your baby or toddler hasn’t woken up multiple times in the night) to savor a cup of coffee (without having to reheat it 3x) and decide what your focus will be in 2025. Use the powerful tools of manifestation and inspired action. Acknowledge that there will be many detours (think potential traffic on 80 East while headed to Tahoe). The only thing you can control is your response. Take risks, examine your ego/blindspots, show gratitude, and relish in what is while you dream up what is next. Delight in curiosity for this next year of your life.

Denise is a coffee lover, over-sharer, and truth seeker who is dedicated to vulnerably discussing the not-so-pretty parts of this beautiful role of motherhood. She is inspired by her three daughters to help women manage their expectations, let go of perfectionism, and lean into their enoughness. Denise is a certified Early Childhood Educator (ECE) and K-8 Multiple Subject Clear Credentialed Teacher who has taught it all from preschool to middle school. Read more from Denise under The Crier: Online Archive.
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